Jewish Family Services
Jewish Family Services
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Adoption: Coordinating with State, Federal and International Agencies
How do I adopt in Connecticut?

Domestically, unless your adoptive child is born in Connecticut, JFS will need to work with you, the out of state agency and the Interstate Compact, the agency in each state that regulates children crossing over state lines, to get you permission to leave the state of your child's birth and to return home to Connecticut.

This process usually is completed within two weeks of your adoptive child's birth. During this time, you are generally with your adoptive child in a hotel room after discharge from the local hospital.

Internationally, JFS will assist you in dealing with Homeland Security as well as the agency that represents the country that your adopted child is coming from.

bullet Adoption Homepage

Jewish Family Service
325 Reef Road, Suite 210
Fairfield, Connecticut
(203) 366-5438